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These are the most commonly spoken languages in Labyrinth, and the rest of the world. They are divided here into common, extraplanar, and secret languages (Druidic, Thieves' Cant). This is the list you should pick from when deciding languages! If you have an idea for a language not on this list that you'd like to use, let me know and we can build it together!
This list is always growing, and I love working with players to expand it. Boxes marked with a dash (-) are yet to be completed, but will be soon!

Common Languages

Language Speakers Description
Labyrinthine Common Labyrinth, sailors and travellers from all over the world. The most common language spoken by natives of the Shifting City. Labyrinthine borrows words and sayings from the many different languages of groups who have migrated here, from other continents and other planes of existence. While many other languages are spoken across the City, Labyrinthine is what's used most day-to-day, and between speakers of different languages. Additionally, due to the City's central role in trade and adventure, Labyrinthine is often used as a Lingua Franca by sailors and travellers across the sea.
Outlandish Outlanders, Labyrinthine adventurers Outlander or Outlandish is the language spoken by the nomadic clans of the Outlands, the vast, wild continent outside the City's walls. The many different clans all speak slightly different dialects, but the differences aren't significant enough to impede communication. Many adventurers from the City learn at least some Outlandish, in order to better communicate with the clans and avoid potential conflict on their expeditions.
Shattered The Elemental Shatters, Elementals, Genasi Shattered is the language spoken in the many nations of the Elemental Shatters. Similar to primordial, Shattered has 4 different dialects, each associated with a different element of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water, though they all are mutually intelligible. It is decended from Primordial, and a lot of words, particularly related to the gods, elements, and magic, are directly borrowed from Primordial.
Tey/ Tey Rini/ Tey Rinian Tey Rin, aristocrats -
Luxan Luxe, performers, the 69th District -
Mesopelagian Languages Mesopelagia, underwater communities There are several different languages spoken in the underwater communities and tribes of Mesopelagia, and most are not mutually intelligible. Most denizens of Mesopelagia speak some of several different languages, and can usually find one in common with another Mesopelagian. Mesopelagian languages are related to Aquan, the Water dialect of Primordial, and are difficult for non-aquatic creatures to learn, and difficult to speak out of water. Mesopelagian languages also often incorporate a lot of signs and body movements as part of speech, useful in underwater communication. Aquan is still used in many religious rites and symbolic phrases, and can be used by some as a common language with many other groups.
Ilexi The Ilexi Forest, parts of the Outlands -
Xix (Undercommon) Xix-Karil, parts of the Ilexi Forest In the subterranean kingdom of Xix-Karil, Xix is the most commonly spoken language amongst the many houses. It has several sounds that non-native speakers find difficult to pronounce, such as clicks and chatters. It is only partially mutually intelligible with other forms of Undercommon, and is spoken by some who trade with Xix-Karil in the Underdark, and some from the Ilexi Forest above.
Labyrinthine Sign Language Labyrinth The most common form of sign language in Labyrinth, while not as widely spoken as Labyrinthine Common, it is spoken by many throughout the City, hard-of-hearing and otherwise, including many Forged.

Uncommon Languages

Language Speakers Description
Draconic Dragons and Dragonkin, scholars and acolytes This ancient, gutteral language is used in many arcane texts and books of lore, and variants are spoken by dragons, dragonborn, and other lizardfolk, with differing levels of mutual intelligibility with Old High Draconic.
Giant Giants The largely insular communities of giants keep their own, ancient language largely to themselves and their kin. While different types and communities of giants have their own dialects and influences, the Ancient Giant they use across groups remains consistent, and is preserved and taught very rigidly. Regional giant languages may be influenced by the elements they connect to or local languages, such as fire giants borrowing words from Ignan Primordial
Deep Speech Abberations, Mind Flayers, Beholders Shattered is the language spoken in the many nations of the Elemental Shatters. Similar to primordial, Shattered has 4 different dialects, each associated with a different element of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water, though they all are mutually intelligible. It is decended from Primordial, and a lot of words, particularly related to the gods, elements, and magic, are directly borrowed from Primordial.
Elvish/Dwarven/Orcish/Gnomish Various smaller cultural groups elsewhere If you'd like a particular lesser known regional language (linked to ancestry or not!) for a particular group or community within a wider continent, we can build one together and it'll be added here!

Planar Languages

Language Speakers/Plane Description
Sylvan Fey, the Feywild The most common language spoken by natives of the Shifting City. Labyrinthine borrows words and sayings from the many different languages of groups who have migrated here, from other continents and other planes of existence. While many other languages are spoken across the City, Labyrinthine is what's used most day-to-day, and between speakers of different languages. Additionally, due to the City's central role in trade and adventure, Labyrinthine is often used as a Lingua Franca by sailors and travellers across the sea.
Primordial Elementals, Genasi, priests and scholars of the Elemental Shatters The language of elementals has 4 mutually intelligible dialects, each associated with a different element. They are Auran (Air), Aquan (Water), Ignan (Fire), and Terran (Earth).
Abyssal Demons, the Abyss -
Infernal -
Celestial Angels, Celestials, the Upper Planes -
Shadowtongue The Shadowfell, the Ashen Kingdoms -
Modron Modrons, Mechanus -
Gith Githyanki, the Astral Plane, Githzerai, Limbo -

Secret Languages

Language Speakers Description
Thieves Cant Criminals, urchins -
Druidic Druids, their allies -