The 3rd District

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A district famous for its adventurers, this district is home to many historic locations and hopeful mercenaries looking to make it big. The Adventurer's Guild and the many mercenary companies that make up the City's guards are based here. This district is used today both as a gathering place for modern adventurers, and as a popular destination for tourists interested in Labyrinth's history.

Tavern Row

Where better for adventurers to meet for the first time than a tavern? Many of the City's most famous taverns, pubs and inns are found at the heart of the 3rd, made famous by the adventurers who had met there previously. All the taverns down the district's main parade claim to have been the origin of some famous historical party or another, with varying degrees of truth to their stories.

Perhaps the most famous adventurer's pub is The Yawning Portal, which boasts an enourmous well its centre, that leads down into the vast mega-dungeon of Undermountain beneath the City. Many adventurers meet here, either to attempt the dungeon themselves, or to bet on how long those drunkenly dared to go down will last down there. The bartender, Durnan, is a legendary adventurer, and keeps an enchanted greatsword behind the bar in case any trouble crawls out of the pit (or needs to be pushed into it).

Rooms and drinks in the 3rd are pricy, but many tourists and wannabe adventurers happily pay for the experience, and established adventurers usually have more money than sense.

The Adventurer's Guild and Mercenary Companies


Funhouse Dungeons and Blue Alley

Leaning into the massive appeal of the 3rd to fans of adventurers, wizards and architects have recently opened several 'funhouse' dungeons - training dungeons open to low-level adventurers and tourists, aimed at testing and training them for future adventures, or based on real dungeons delved by celebrity adventurers. Popular dungeons range from less-deadly recreations of Undermountain to tricksy puzzles with unorthadox solutions. Many of these dungeons have leaderboards, encouraging parties to compete for high scores. While most of these dungeons charge for entry, for the brave, clever, and lucky, there are great magical rewards in many that are well worth the price of admission.