Labyrinth Districts

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The City is split up into districts, distinct areas divided sometimes by walls, sometimes by culture. Each district has its own distinct identity and will have its own people, traditions, and even local gods who are worshipped.
Here's a list of districts and a brief summary about them, most will have their own pages soon!:

1st District (Destroyed) Burnt down in riots against corrupt nobles hundreds of years ago. The ruins are now only spoken of in whispers and urban legends.
2nd Disrict The largest and most major port in The City, sees all manner of traders, travellers and pirates, the gate between the city and the rest of the world.
The 3rd, The Adventurer's Capital A district famous for its adventurers, this district is home to many historic locations and hopeful mercenaries looking to make it big. The Adventurer's Guild and the many mercenary companies that make up the City's guards are based here. This district is used today both as a gathering place for modern adventurers, and as a popular destination for tourists interested in Labyrinth's history.
5th District District of fishers and traders in and around the river, split between the riverboat homes above, and the aquatic homes below the water, embedded in the walls of the riverbank.
7th District The main generator of food for the City, both in the stacked hydroponic mushroom farms enhanced by the City Druids, and the underground slime ranches where schmeat, the City's meat substitute, is farmed from domesticated oozes.
10th District A district that climbs the enourmous mountain that dominates the City's skyline, fiercely proud of the fact that their, quarry shared with the 11th, is the source for most of the stone that makes up the City and its shifting walls. At its base, the 10th is home to many Halflings, Dwarves, and people from the 11th, while closer to its peak live Aarakokra, Earth Genasi, Humans, and even some giants.
11th District A largely subterranean district built in and around the mountain of the 10th. Below the district sprawls the tunnels of the quarry. The 11th is largely inhabited by Dwarves, Earth Elementals, and peoples from the Underdark, as the shaded interior largely avoids sunlight. The architechture within the hollow mountain is stunning, blending the styles of many Dwarven and Underdark cultures from across the world. Buildings climb the cavernous interior walls, aided by the powerful magic of the district's native shifting mages, who are more attuned to the material of the City than almost any.
The 12th, District of Law and Truth The City's judicial district, entirely under a Zone of Truth spell. Lawyers here are often Celestials, Devils, and Fey, skilled in finding loopholes and bending the truth.
13th District A district with a deep connection to the feywild, where seelie and unseelie alike cross into the City, and wanderers out late often find themselves walking streets they don't recognise, taken down one of the many fey routes. The district is famous for the alleys of bizzare shops and otherworldly night markets travellers often stumble into, that they never quite seem to be able to find in the morning.
The 14th, District of Art and Glass One of the centres of high culture in the City, the 14th is a district of fine glass galleries and ampitheatres, and home to many different schools across all the arts, competing to outdo each other in their creations.
The 15th, The Gates/The Old Gate A district at the edge of the walls housing the main gates to the Outlands, where many come to trade or prepare for journeys outside the walls.
17th District Built on an area of significant arcane power, houses many of the City's elite wizards, in many dramatic towers and subterranean labs. Only magic users are allowed within the walls of the district, due to a ridiculous decision by the council of wizards who rule the district.
The 19th, District of Ruins and New Light A district of abandoned buildings, shifted here by the walls, where new communities have begun to spring up as people renovate dilapidated buildings.
The 22nd, District of Manors and Gardens A district of wealthy nobility who eschew the usual City trend of building upward to demonstrate wealth, instead opting for more traditional manors with wide, open grounds. The denizens of this district flaunt their wealth with lavish garden parties and galas, all trying to show each other up in a vicious world of high society.
25th District A district of factories and forges, fuelled by heat from the Plane of Fire, owned by Fire Elemental bosses with petty rivalries and constant squabbles that the workers have to put up with.
26th District The main communications hub of the City, the 26th is home to the central tower of the Order of the Messenger, and the presses of all the City's newspapers.
27th District Outwardly, this district looks like a normal, if run-down trade district of the City. However, hidden within the shifting walls and front businesses are many gangs, cults, and minor gods embroiled in conflict, looking to grow their power and influence across the city. The local councillor and their enforcers look the other way, as long as the illusion of peace remains intact, leading to many lairs hidden below the City's streets, and behind unassuming shop-fronts.
30th District A poorer district, the local culture centering around the Grand Refuge, a cathedral to Respite, the City God of rest and safety. The Refuge acts as a large homeless shelter, supporting the community however possible. Their warmth can be felt throughout the district, in the pervasive kindness and sense of community. The homeless of the city flock here, seeking shelter in its refuge.
32nd District A district famous for its magical trinket markets, populated largely by Orcs and Goblins who brought this magic from strange ruins in the Outlands. The enchantment process here is more esoteric than most, and it calls wild magic and eldritch influence to the area, giving the district an influx of sorcerers and other unstable arcane phenomena.
42nd District Magitech capital of the city, home to the Forged, the sentient mechanical people native to the city.
43rd District A riverside port district with a focus on magitech and industry, known for advanced ship construction and the beginnings of an airship industry. This is the newest district, having split off from the 42nd only recently as it formed a distinct identity around the airship docks.
The 48th, District of Endless Night/of Stars A district constantly blanketed by the darkest night, constructed for the comfort of peoples sensitive to sunlight. As a result, the population consists of many Drow, Kobolds, and other Underdark natives, who can still enjoy much of the rest of the City at night. The constellations above are an icon of this district, and many factions, noble houses, and neighbourhoods choose to represent themselves under one of these signs. Rumour has it that the district is alos home to many vampires and other undead, lurking in the perpetual shadow.
The 68th, the Restaurant District A district of high-end restaurants and cut-throat chefs, all competing to push the boundaries of magical cooking and gain influence over the tastes of the City.
69th District A district dedicated to the god of wine, song, performance, and pleasure. It's home to many bars, casinos, theatres, and circuses.