Labyrinth Calendar

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This is a calendar of the events of campaigns that have happened in labyrinth! There may also be a link to a timeline of historical events here soon too.

The calendar is counted in years since the Modron Clocktower appeared in the 42nd and began taking rigid track of dates, and so the year is 149T (Tower). Each year is split up into 4 90-day seasons, each divided into 3 months made up of 3 10-day weeks each.

Where 2 campaigns overlap, different colours differentiate events in each. Dragon Heist (5e) is this blue, Paint (Pathfinder) is this green, and the Cult Without a God (Blades in the Dark) is this red

Here's a list of links that skip to specific campaigns:
New Horizons (Birdie, Cedar, CH103, Kasvir)
Dragon Heist (Farron, Fryn, Pandora, Ren, Syrin, Antimony, Rusty)
Paint Pathfinder - (Blaze, Ida, Ink, Kit)

Autumn, 149T

Autumn 1, 149T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1: The New Horizons Party are hired by Zacceus Cogwright to retrieve a stolen prototype, tracking some Kobolds to a house in the 42nd. 2: After retrieving the core and helping the injured baby dragon the Kobolds were supporting, they take some downtime to build magic items. 3 4 5 6 7 8: They journey into the Outlands, to investigate an ancient site for Zacceus. 9: After meeting the Lycanthrope Clan of the Huntress, they descend into the crashed ship, and meet Panel. 10: After the full moon, they meet Kasvir, who travels back to the city with them! Xoth, a Githzerai Monk from Limbo falls from the sky.
11: They return to the City, and agree to help Xoth get home. They go pet shopping. 12: They take some downtime. Xoth begins training CH103 in Psionics. Zacceus begins building Panel a body. 13: Tenne and Kasvir meet for the first time! 14 15 16 17 18: The party does a job for the Modrons, attempting to map out the Catacombs. Kasvir solves the first of Birdie's riddles! 19: On a visit to the 69th, the party survive a mysterious museum of cursed circus items. CH103 picks up some cursed Mime Gloves. 20: They fight in the Colosseum in the 69th for the first time.
21: They have dinner with Baron Von Peer, attempting to secure a rod that would allow them to plane shift Xoth home. CH103 steals a book from his library. 22: CH103 and Kasvir fight in the Colosseum as Jekyll and Hyde for the first time. 23: Xoth is sent home. Under the full moon, Kasvir attacks a passerby and CH103 struggles to stop him with Psionics. 24: In the aftermath, Kasvir leaves the City for a while, meeting a Clan of the Storyteller on the road. CH103 starts her job with the Order of the Messenger, and Cedar finds Avarice. 25: Cedar has tea with Avarice. Birdie visits the twilight market in the 13th. CH103 decides she wants her cursed gloves off in the morning. 26: The party returns to the Outlands to give Panel their body, fights with the Clan of the Scavenger, but escapes with Panel. On the way, CH103 is grabbed by a giant Magpie. Kasvir encounters a hill giant. 27: The party returns to the City with Panel. Kasvir reaches his Clan's last camp. 28: In some downtime, Cedar visits the Grand Refuge. Birdie continues working on his project, and CH103 is doing deliveries. 29: Kasvir returns to his clan! They hold a feast welcoming him home. 30: Kasvir's first hunt home.
Autumn 2, 149T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
31: Kasvir's first full moon home! With the help of Velim, he kills a Chimera, and earns divine favour. 32 33: kasvir travels with his clan, and sends a letter back to his friends. 34: The party decide to travel to the Elemental Shatters, and book a ship able to navigate the terrible storms. They meet Hilga Stormbearer! 35 36: The party sets off across the ocean! CH103 is carrying a package to Vizera. 37 38 39 40
41 42: The party makes it through the deadly storms surrounding the Shatters, and lands in Leilon. 43: They meet Glimmer, and begin to travel south with her and her Giant Jewelhorned Goats to the Shimmering Depths Coast, encountering Storm Elementals and a devastated farm and family. 44: They encounter Lady Cinderblade, a noble Fire Giant, and her son Gregory. To avoid anything else being taken, CH103 goes with Gregory as his 'jester'. 45: The party must continue towards Grandiosa, while CH103 is taken North by Gregory, being put in his bag at night, where she meets a Firemane Lion that she would free and take with her. 46: The party arrive in Port de la Lune. Gregory captures an Aarakocra Bard named Zarek, naming him his 'Nightingale'. Well into being corrupted by Avarice, Cedar sluts up his armour. 47: With Zarek and Rina, a Rat Barbarian, CH103 escapes Gregory as they rest in a Frost Giant's castle. Lady Cinderblade vows revenge, but CH103 leaves Gregory a Sending Stone.
The party meet Colombo and fight a Storm Horse for the High Priests.
48: The party take a day to rest and CH103 returns! Cedar has ominous dreams and his corruption worsens, and Avarice becomes more powerful as a result. Worried about CH103, Zacceus, Ebanashi, and Kasvir teleport to Grandiosa. 49: With Glimmer and Columbo, the party travel towards Grandiosa, encountering Locathah and Elementals on the way. Kasvir begins travelling to meet them. 50: Cedar collapses, and is overcome by Avarice, becoming an Oathbreaker. The party fight to get the sword away from Cedar, Birdie is sent running into the woods, dominated, where he encounters a Gorgon Bull. CH103, with Avarice clinging to her arm like a gauntlet, has to ask Kasvir to cut it off. Cedar leaves with the sword and the arm, and says he will see them again.
51: In Grandiosa, CH103 is reunited with her dad, and the party must perform for the Grand Duke for their stay. CH103 buys her net. 52: CH103 delivers her package to Vizera, 2 dragon slaying swords for a local noble. She steals from the Adult Red Dragon and evades its breath, eventually trapping it in her net and escaping. 53: The party return to the City, and meet Bloodstone Tigerseye, an old adventuring companion of Zacceus. Birdie nears completion on his project, and visits the Emerald Archives to bargain with its Keeper. 54: As a component for Birdie's device, the party catch a size-changing Whale. CH103 contacts Xoth for training on fighting without her arm, and Birdie agrees to help her build a way to contact him more freely. 55: The party venture into the Outlands with Bloodstone, looking for Phase Spiders for Birdie's device, in a forest touched by the Feywild. 56 57 58 59 60
Autumn 3, 149T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84: The Dragon Heist Party rescue Floon and Renear and are rewarded with a haunted inn in the 19th. 85: They explore their new home, and meet their ghost, Lif. 86: The party begins repairs, and meets the neighbours on Cinderspark Alley. 87: The party enter the Temple of the Restful Lily for the first time, through a copy of The Price of Beauty. They quickly realise all is not well. 88 89: The party meet Boarholder for a Cheese Heist. Pandora assassinates a talking horse. 90: Many in the party become Harpers. They spend the next 3 days repairing the cafe.

Winter, 149T

Winter 1, 149T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1: In the 69th, a crew of counterfeit art Hawkers sabotage a fashion show for Philomena Erveus. 2 3: The Grand Opening of Maid-to-Order, their haunted maid cafe in the 19th! 4: Fireball is thrown outside the cafe, the Stone of Golorr is lost. 5: Gralhund Villa is burnt down during a heist. Nim escapes with the Stone. 6: Pandora kills Nim. Farron goes to the feywild, and the party kills the hags at the Temple of the Restful Lily. 7: In the 69th, the crew of Hawkers steal an award, and Thena brings the Statue of the Masked Prince down on the stage in the process. 8 9: The party returns from the Feywild. Pan disappears with Nim's body. 10: The party meets with the Harpers. Vincent Trench reveals his secret to Farron.
11: Farron builds her shrine in the 69th. Pan returns, having stripped Nim for parts, and is investigating a theatre in the 69th. 12: Pan is investigating around the docks, while Syrin and Farron meet Zelifarn, a young Bronze Dragon.
In the 14th, there is a break in at a museum, and the Paint party follow a strange figure into a painting.
13:Emerging into the Feywild, the party travels along the road towards a goblin village and the Temple of Inspiration.
In the 27th, the Brick Scales steal a dragon egg from Skeletal Network Smugglers.
14 15: In the 27th, the Cult Without a God steal a dragon egg from the Brick Scales, and fight with the Skeletons. 16: While indulging their vices in Klara's tavern, the cult piss off and knock out Baz, a Skeleton enforcer, and K4MI arranges a dinner date with Scarlet. 17 18: On a job for Dr. Green, the cult scare Thomas to death in the catacombs, and retrieve the cursed Soul Eater Dagger. OMY is attacked by the ghost of "Knives", and the cult unseal an ancient tomb of the last high priestess of God of Broken Glass, promising her they'll return. 19: K4MI goes on a date their date with Scarlet, and tells her a lot about herself, worms, and the egg before breaking down and flying off. While searching for her, Sol and OMY are followed back to their lair. In a dream, OMY tells a voice in the catacombs almost everything about the egg, and it promises great gifts if only they bring the egg back down below. 20: The Cult successfully perform the ritual to hatch their dragon egg, fending off the Skeletons and two ghostly Brick Scales.
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30