List of Factions by District

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Many of the largest factions in the City operate over many districts, including the City Druids, the Harpers, and the Network of Bones.

Faction (Tier) Turf Description Clocks
The City Council (V)
The Druids (V)
The Skeleton Network (IV) The Catacombs, a mercenary office in the 3rd. To the wider city, the Sketetons are a high-end group of mercenaries known for their brutal effectiveness. Below the surface however, the Network of Bones is a massive and storied criminal organisation. The Network is made up of many smaller cells, gangs, and solo operatives, all working for their own gain. Most Skeletons see being in the gang as an leg up in the criminal underworld - you have allies waiting wherever you go, and the whispering voice that gives out jobs usually points to lucrative scores. However, the directions given to Skeletons by the mysterious patron that coordinates the network, or any of her nebulous goals, are not well understood. This has lead many to question their orders, and be severely punished, and recently there have been several splinter factions that have broken off. The Network are currently facing harsh reprisal by the City for the first time, due to a skirmish with one of these splinter groups, which has made opperations difficult.

The 2nd

The 2nd District is Labyrinth's biggest port, and so is home to many merchants, mercenaries, sailors, smugglers, pirates and adventuring parties, many fresh off the boat from the lands across the sea.

Faction (Tier) Turf Description Clocks
The Xanathar Guild (IV) A vast hideout beneath the 4th, The City's sewers. Xanathar's Theives Guild has crawled in the sewers below the 2nd for many years, building a reputation as chaotic, brutal, and all-seeing. Masterminded by a mysterious and paranoid being living below the surface, the Xanathar Guild holds a monopoly on much of the smuggling in the port, and aims to continue to accrew wealth and status as the Xanathar vies for greater security and control. In criminal circles, it's considered either a ridiculous conspiracy theory or open secret that the Xanathar is an enourmous Beholder, depending on which faction you ask. The Xanathar Guild has the oversight and resources to make life hell for any gang it chooses to, and frequently goes to war with rivals across the City. Find the Stone of Golorr (?/12).
Crush smaller gangs (repeating) (6).
Bregan D'aerthe (III) 2 carnival ships in the port. A theatre in the 69th. Find the Stone of Golorr (?/12).
The Siren's Call Crew (I) The Siren's Call, a quick pirate's ship docked in the 2nd.

The 3rd

The 3rd is home to many notable adventuring parties, mercenary companies, guilds, and knight's orders.

The 10th

The stony streets of the 10th are dominated by the guilds, powerful factions of stonemasons and architechts that oversee much of construction in the City. There are also many occult factions, with connections to the shifting stones and walls of the City.

The 27th

Behind the many front businesses of the 27th, gangs and cults hide in the shadows, all plotting as powerful forces move beneath the surface of the district. The dark corners of the district are home to many malicious spirits and minor demigods, all hungry for power and devotees.

Faction (Tier) Turf Description Clocks
The Cult Without a God (I) A hidden lair beneath their pet grooming front business.
The Brick Scales (0) Scavenger's shop front, several abandoned factories and warehouses. Gang-turned-Cult of Kobolds known for their stony scales who stolen a dragon egg from Skeleton Network smugglers, only to have it stolen away from them by an unknown cult, as the Skeleton Network attacked. With many of the gang members killed and Mira kidnapped by the Skeletons, the Brick Scales have gone to war to take back what they lost. Find the Dragon Egg (8).
Free Mira from the Skeletons (6).
The Silver Cuffs (I) A gang of cutters and thieves who have recently began to move up in the world after gaining significant magical power from a mysterious patron. Known as the Silver Cuffs because they prefer to fight had to hand, and now their punches leave an empowered shimmer. However, as their debt to their patron reveals itself more fully, they may find themselves with more than they bargained for. Improve their Tier (6).
Their Patron asks for a favour in exchange (4).
The Wererat Runners (II) Sewer routes beneath the 27th, a den in the Wererat nest. The Runners began smuggling illicit goods through the sewers to make some money for the Wererats of the nest, and to please the Matriarch. Now, as they contest with Xanathar's Guild for passage through the sewers, they have become a key piece in the Matriarch's plan for the nest, as their routes are in demand for many potential allies. Win over a new powerful ally (8).
Seize sewer turf from Xanathar Guild (6).
The Order of the Burning Tome (II) A small temple/stronghold built at the edge of the district, several cult hideouts and ancient tombs converted into bases and shrines. An order of Paladins sworn to the unearthing and destruction of shadowy cults, occult secrets, and dark gods, who have recently moved their operation to the 27th. Unearth and destroy local cults (repeating) (6). Sacrifice occult artifacts (repeating) (8).

The 69th

Faction (Tier) Turf Description Clocks
The House (V) The Argent Palace, the largest casino on the strip, and the deep vaults below. The City God of gambling and debt, with a powerful force of devils and and debt collectors working towards his mysterious. The House uses debt, vice, and blackmail as his primary tools to gain influence, He is also an anonymous figure, doing all his work through emissaries and telepathy. Very few have ever been brought to the lightless vault at the core of his casino, to personally meet with The House, and fewer have survived long after. Gain leverage over a councillor in the 69th (8).
The Immortals (I) An old gothic house, several dark bars and nightclubs. A lavish gang of vampires enjoying the debauchery of immortal life, staying up til the sunrise drinking, partying, and hunting the drunk patrons of shady bars and nightclubs across the 69th. The Immortals care little for mortal lives, and only seek to drain them to fuel their hedonism and taste for luxury.