Trainer Classes & Special Moves

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On character creation, pick (or create!) a Trainer Class, Special Ability, and 4-5 starting Items. These don’t all need to be from the same class, do what feels right for the character you’re making!

Some special moves are active, giving trainers new capabilites and things they can do (such as the Firebreather's Pyrokinesis). Others are passive, giving bonuses to things they can already do (such as the Hiker's Great Expanse).

This page is still a work in progress! I'm still adding new moves and classes, and these are just examples, you can come up with whatever you want! (Also I know the design is a bit of a mess, I'm figuring it out :p)

Universal/General Moves

These are generic skills that could fit lots of characters!

◉ Type Specialist: Pick a type. Take +1d when rolling to interact with, or recall information about that type of Pokemon.
You can take this move multiple times, picking different types each time. You can only get 1 extra die from any version of this move on a single roll.

◉ Partner Pokemon: Choose one of your Pokemon you have a particularly strong bond with. They get +1 Bond box, which refills whenever you Spend Quality Time together, in addition to any other Bond they regain.
You can have multiple Partner Pokemon.

Pokemon Ranger

You've dedicated your life to roaming the natural world and protecting Pokemon and the ecosystem, forming strong bonds with wild Pokemon.

◉ Call for Aid: When you need help, you can push yourself to call on nearby Pokemon for aid. Tell the GM what you want to happen, and if needed, roll Heart.

◉ Friendly: Take +1d on Heart rolls involving wild Pokemon.

◉ Favoured Terrain: Choose a type of environment you know particularly well. You take +1d to rolls made to traverse, search, forage or remember information about this type of terrain.

Ace Trainer

You’re a trainer with ambition, a rising star trying to make a name for themselves, through intense training and powerful bonds with their companions.

◉ Discerning Eye: You have an eye for rare and unusual pokemon. When you search for pokemon, you're more likely to find pokemon with rare moves or unique traits. However, these pokemon will likely be stronger and more difficult to catch.

◉ Always Training: The best way to bond with your Pokemon is getting stronger together. When you Bond with your Pokemon, they take +1 EXP.

◉ Skilled Catcher: When you roll to catch a Pokemon, you can add +2 to one of the dice.


Whether through intense training with fire-type Pokemon, special equipment, or a mysterious gift at birth, you can produce and control a small amount of flame with just your breath.

◉ Pyrokinesis: You can naturally manifest and manipulate flame around you. You can roll Body to do this with flames larger than a torch.


◉ Telekinesis: When you try to pick up or manipulate things with your psychic powers, roll Mind.

◉ Telepathy: You have a psychic link with your Pokemon, and can understand each other's minds without a word. You can also use this power to telepathically communicate with other people, or even attempt to read their surface thoughts. When you try to read someone's mind, roll Mind.

◉ Levitation: Your powers allow you to move yourself with psychic force. You can rise into the air and float as fast as you could walk. When you push to do something more, roll Mind.

Hex Maniac

You see things others can’t, and hear strange and paranormal whispers where it’s silent. You’re drawn to Pokemon others find offputting, and harness powers many would refuse to believe exist. Despite seeming different, your bond with your teammates is as strong as any other Trainer’s.

◉ Attune: You can roll Mind or Heart to attune yourself to the ghostfield. This can allow you to see and call out to spirits, auras, echoes and Ghost-Type Pokemon nearby.

◉ Spook: You and your Pokemon take +1 impact level when trying to shock or frighten someone.

◉ Jinx: You can roll Heart to cause someone momentary bad luck.

◉ Strange Journeys: You’ve explored many haunted spaces, and stepped into what feel like strange other worlds. You get +1d when resisting or avoiding changes to the environment due to Pokemon or other supernatural forces, and +1d while investigating supernatural places.

◉ Ghostly Visions: Through your time with Ghost and Psychic Pokemon, you’ve learned how to create small illusions, and make people see things that aren’t really there. You can roll Mind to create ghostly images and sounds.


◉ Ambush: Nimble and agile, you're adept at sneaking around. Take +1d on rolls made to hide or sneak, and when you attempt to catch a pokemon who's unaware of you, take +1 to you catching rolls.

◉ Smoke bomb!:As part of your ninja equipment, you carry smoke bombs. These can serve as a quick distraction, and you can always escape battles with them.

◉ Master of Disguise: With a bit of work, you can create a disguise that expertly camouflages you, allowing you to blend into terrain around you, or pass among pokemon unnoticed. Take +1d on the first action you take after revealing your disguise, where the surprise is relevant.

Black Belt

You’ve trained alongside your Pokemon, honing your body and mind in a disciplined regimen.

◉ Martial Artist: You’ve trained your body and mind for feats of strength and resistance. Take +1d when your training is relevant.

◉ Inner Focus: Once per episode, you or your Pokemon can freely resist a consequence, without spending Bond.


◉ Move Tutor - Cut: You can teach the following move to Pokemon who train with you:
Cut - (Normal, Physical, Medium Power) - Cleanly slices a target with a scythe or claw. This move is capable of cutting through thin trees, and is Supereffective against Grass types.

◉ Blade Training: As a downtime Training action, you can train one of your Pokemon in swordplay. Start a 4-segment clock, and each time you train with them, roll to see how much to progress it (6=3s, 4-5=2s, 1-3=1s). When the clock completes, they give them the Samurai trait. They can then take +1d when this training is relevant, such as when using Slicing moves.

◉ Impressive Display: You and your Pokemon’s mastery over the blade command respect from those who see it. When you perform to impress or intimidate people or Pokemon, take +1 level of effect.


◉ Inexperienced: You haven't been training Pokemon long, but you pick things up quick! It only takes you 6 EXP to level up, rather than 7, and optionally when you level up you can change this trainer class to something else, replacing this move with one of theirs (in additon to whatever else you gain from levelling up).


◉ Invention: Your brilliant mind has allowed you to create some kind of genius device to help you in your research. Decide with the GM what it is, how you use it, and one downside it has (eg. loud, unwieldy, breaks easily).

Professor’s Assistant/Researcher

You study Pokemon.

◉ Well researched: Each Pokemon you catch gains an additional trait, their Pokedex catergory ('the [Blank] Pokemon').

◉ PokéInterview: Take +1d and increased effect on rolls made to ask Pokemon questions and understand and interpret their answers to gain information.


◉ Friend to All: Your love for Pokemon is clear to see, and many Pokemon recognise this in you. When you roll Heart to interact with Pokemon, take +1d.

◉ Cute!: You take great care of your pokemon, and it shows in their interactions with other people. Your Pokemon take +1d when interacting with humans or performing.


◉ Rodeo: You've grown up riding and taming Pokemon. Take +1d on rolls made to ride a Pokemon, or to train and bond with a Pokemon enough for it to let you ride it.

◉ Wrangler: You can have 4 Pokemon with you at once, instead of 3.

Pokemon Breeder

Many people train Pokemon for battling or contests, you just love to raise them! You’ve dedicated yourself to taking care of baby pokemon and eggs, grooming and doting on your partners so that they grow up happy and healthy.

◉ Poképarent: You're knowledgeable in looking after and raising baby pokemon. Take +1d when interacting with young and unevolved pokemon, and your unevolved pokemon take 1 EXP fewer to level up. (This move doesn't apply to pokemon that do not evolve). Decide whether you get +1d interacting with human children as well.

◉ Egg Whisperer: You’re particularly skilled and trusted in looking after Pokemon eggs. Eggs hatch more quickly in your care, and people and pokemon are more likely to entrust you with them. If this is your starting move, start with an egg of your choice; if it isn't, decide with the GM when and how it makes sense for you to gain one in the near future.


◉ Entertainer: You're great at making people and Pokemon laugh, and your presence is disarming. Take +1d when you roll to perform or try and win someone over.

◉ Pokeball Juggler: Your time as a performer has given you a few techniques that are useful in catching Pokemon, particularly when you have limited opportunity before they flee. When you attempt to throw multiple balls at a Pokemon at once, roll Body or Mind. On a 4-5 you can throw 2 balls with this opportunity, instead of 1, and on a 6 the Pokemon will not flee afterwards, mesmerised by the display. Either way, all balls thrown are considered spent after throwing.

◉ Magician: You're trained in stage magic. When you roll to perform sleight of hand or attempt to mislead someone with one of your tricks, take +1d.


◉ Great Expanse: You've travelled all over the world, across all different terrains. Take +1d to rolls made to traverse difficult terrain, find paths through dangerous places, and climb natural obstacles.

◉ Friendly Face: In walking the trails, you've learnt how to look warm and inviting to people and pokemon you meet along the way . Take +1d on the first Heart roll you make when interacting with strangers and wild pokemon you meet out in the wilderness.

◉ Gatherer/Trail Snacks: You know what berries and roots are good to eat, and the best spots to find them. Take +1d to rolls made to forage.


◉ Time for Lunch!: Once per episode, you can declare it time for lunch! Through your deliciously packed meal people and Pokemon can rest and recover some health (up to 2 segments each)

◉ Delicious Aromas: You can create sandwiches that attract different types of Pokemon. Tell the GM what ingredients you’re using and what Pokemon you want to attract, and roll Heart.


◉ Sweet Treats: You make treats such a poffins that envigorate and endear your pokemon. Once per episode when you feed one to your Pokemon, they can take +1 Bond.