Trainer Stats

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Trainers have 3 stats: Mind, Body, and Heart. The number of dice a trainer has in a stat is the number of six-sided dice you should roll when they attempt something uncertain. This ranges from 3d (roll 3 dice) to 0d (roll 2 dice and take the lower result).

Roll Mind when the task requires intelligence, cunning, or perceptiveness. This could include remembering important information, spotting a hiding Pokemon, or tricking someone.

Roll Body when the task requires physical strength or agility, such as lifting heavy objects, swimming against a current, or intimidating someone with a show of strength.

Roll Heart when the task requires charm, determination, or a strong bond with your Pokemon. This could include persuading an NPC, bonding with a new Pokemon, or saving your Pokemon from a desperate situation.

Deciding what stat applies to a roll is part of the conversation between the players and GM. Before any dice are rolled, both parties should be agreed on what stat, position, and impact should be applied to a roll. For more on how the core roll works, click here.